
Showing posts from October, 2022

Entry 2: How I Learned to cook

 Growing up my mom always tried to teach me to cook so If anything I could help myself make healthy home food instead of eating food that was not so comforting. At the age of 14, I started my freshmen year not knowing what classes to take. I talked to a counselor, who helped me pick out my classes. Time was already running out for me, so I had to choose quick. I asked If I could take a Weight training class because I loved working out and she said all the classes were full. At this point, I was very upset because I thought I would definitely fail. I didn't know anything about measuring, and all I knew was how to make anything besides eggs; at this point, I thought I would never get through this class because I wasn't interested. I tell my mother, she is very happy with the news. I always wanted to make my mother proud, so I told myself the best thing was to push through.  The first week was very rough for me. We were grouped into 4, and I was the only one who didn't underst

Entry #1 Blogs

Usually, when I think of blogs, I think of cooking recipes. I found this website  that lists recipes that will be great for the upcoming seasons. By the click on her post will directly send you to Pinterest. I like the idea of how short the blog was and inspiring simultaneously, but I wouldn't mind if the recipes were just listed in the same blog instead of sending me to another site that will make me create an account and go through another blog. I think the author's purpose was to list a few ideas for September.  The second blog brought a little more interest to me than the first. I absolutely love baking, and the first thing I saw was apple dumplings. This is a dessert I've wanted to bake for a few months now. This might just be the recipe!! I like that you can simply click on read more, and there is the recipe. Something I didn't find fitting to the blog is how it went from dessert to home-cooked pasta instead of going along with another

Who am I?

 Hello! My name is Fatima Judai. I am 22 years old. I was born and raised here in Arizona. My family originally came from Iraq and moved here to Arizona. I have 6 siblings, 3 older brothers, and 3 younger sisters; surprisingly, we all get along well. One of my favorite activities I love doing is taking my dad's boat and driving to lake pleasant with the family, just to hang out, eat and watch the sunset. I am currently studying to become an ultrasound tech at Glendale community college and then soon transferring to Gateway community college. I'd been interested in how ultrasound worked and babies, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. On the side, I've been studying real estate as well. At 18, I passed my school test, and hopefully, by the end of the year, I will be licensed. As of right now, I am working with my aunt. She takes me out to show houses and helps me learn everything I need to know so I will be all set when I get my License.