This City Has the Most Expensive Fast Food, Study Shows

Have ever thought about where your food comes from, how it's made, and if it's really fresh? I recently watched a youtube video called Fast food chicken: Testing Subway, McDonald's, A&W, Wendy's & Tim Hortons. This video is a real eye-opener; I used to always eat at fast food restaurants because I didn't want to wait and make my food, but I recently stopped because I always got sick after. I then started to watch many videos about what really goes into the food I'm eating; it explained a lot. In this video, they test and give a percentage of how much actual meat is being used In fast-food chicken. They gathered around taste testers to order from their favorite fast food restaurants and asked the employees if it was fresh; the testers truly believed what they were eating was 100% real and fresh. To put it to the test, they placed down 7 chicken samples. 6 of them were fast-food restaurants and 1was home-cooked chicken. It was up to them to decide which tasted more like real chicken. After they all had their answer, they brought the lab results, which were tested by a scientist. Results showed that some of the restaurants came back less than 50% real chicken. Although these restaurants claim to use 100% chicken, results say otherwise. These restaurants add refined starches, different types of sodium, different salt combinations, etc.

 Consuming too much of these make it hard for our bodies to digest and can be harmful to our body. This made me want to be more careful in what I put in my body because this can cause health issues and obesity. I'm a bit more grateful for cutting off fast-food restaurants, even though I did miss them at times, but now I genuinely feel much better and healthier. 


  1. Fatima--You have a pretty good entry here, even though it is not about the film Fresh, which is what it was supposed to be on. Also, unfortunately, you are missing entries 8, 9, and 10.


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