
ENTRY #3 Refreshing treat

During childhood, my teachers threw holiday parties, and my favorite was Christmas. They would have a day when we could wear pajamas and bring our blanket and pillow to watch the movie Polar Express and have pizza and lots of treats. They always passed out a treat that couldn't get enough of, and I loved having it with my hot cocoa. This treat always reminds me of my childhood, and on Halloween, my younger sisters brought some home. The packaging of this treat is a thin silver wrapper. It is coated a layered perfectly. It's not too loud when opening but always satisfies me. The feeling of this treat is soft and solid. When you put it in your mouth, It instantly gives you a cool refreshing sensation. The texture when chewing is soft and pleasing. It is rich in flavor and the perfect kind of sweet, and the best part is when the middle layer sticks to the roof of your mouth.  This treat always brought me joy as a child. I remember sneaking with my friends to grab a hand full becau


Have ever thought about where your food comes from, how it's made, and if it's really fresh? I recently watched a youtube video called Fast food chicken: Testing Subway, McDonald's, A&W, Wendy's & Tim Hortons. This video is a real eye-opener; I used to always eat at fast food restaurants because I didn't want to wait and make my food, but I recently stopped because I always got sick after. I then started to watch many videos about what really goes into the food I'm eating; it explained a lot. In this video, they test and give a percentage of how much actual meat is being used In fast-food chicken. They gathered around taste testers to order from their favorite fast food restaurants and asked the employees if it was fresh; the testers truly believed what they were eating was 100% real and fresh. To put it to the test, they placed down 7 chicken samples. 6 of them were fast-food restaurants and 1was home-cooked chicken. It was up to them to decide which ta


 As we all know, the holidays are coming up! I'm not usually consistent with baking, but this is the time of year when my interest in baking comes around. I think it would be so fun to make something that family and friends would enjoy, so I thought why not learn something new this week so I'll be prepared for the upcoming holiday gatherings. As I was searching through Pinterest to find something to bake that I knew my family and friends would enjoy, I came across pumpkin cake pops by Clever Housewife, I've made a few cake pops, but I got really excited when I saw them because how could I have never thought of these. These are super fun, cute, and easy to make. I think everyone would definitely enjoy these! For cake 1 box Pillsbury Traditional Vanilla cake mix 1 Tbs pumpkin pie spice 1 tsp cinnamon 15 oz pumpkin puree 3 eggs 1/2 cup applesauce 1/3 cup milk 2 tsp vanilla extract For pops 1/3 cup Pillsbury vanilla frosting 36 sucker sticks 1 bag cocoa candy melts (or chocolat

Entry #5 MAYHEM

Beauty Blogger | Allstate Mayhem The author of this Ad wants the audience to understand that Allstate has your back. They want to show that if your home was to be caught on fire or if a pet was to damaged unexpectedly, their company would protect and provide coverage for the homeowner's unexpected damage to their personal property. In the context of the Beauty Blogger Ad, Mayhem accidentally puts the straightener down on the towel while filming a blog, and the towel catches on fire. The target audience should react to this Ad by thinking of a fire as their first thought, and one thing escalates to another. At home, it's most likely for objects to catch on fire because people often are not aware of their surroundings whether it's putting down a hot tool on a cloth, or accidentally leaving a kitchen cloth near the stove. The target audience might think these advertisements are comic because they have been in a situation where they accidentally left a hot tool sitting on a tow

Entry 2: How I Learned to cook

 Growing up my mom always tried to teach me to cook so If anything I could help myself make healthy home food instead of eating food that was not so comforting. At the age of 14, I started my freshmen year not knowing what classes to take. I talked to a counselor, who helped me pick out my classes. Time was already running out for me, so I had to choose quick. I asked If I could take a Weight training class because I loved working out and she said all the classes were full. At this point, I was very upset because I thought I would definitely fail. I didn't know anything about measuring, and all I knew was how to make anything besides eggs; at this point, I thought I would never get through this class because I wasn't interested. I tell my mother, she is very happy with the news. I always wanted to make my mother proud, so I told myself the best thing was to push through.  The first week was very rough for me. We were grouped into 4, and I was the only one who didn't underst

Entry #1 Blogs

Usually, when I think of blogs, I think of cooking recipes. I found this website  that lists recipes that will be great for the upcoming seasons. By the click on her post will directly send you to Pinterest. I like the idea of how short the blog was and inspiring simultaneously, but I wouldn't mind if the recipes were just listed in the same blog instead of sending me to another site that will make me create an account and go through another blog. I think the author's purpose was to list a few ideas for September.  The second blog brought a little more interest to me than the first. I absolutely love baking, and the first thing I saw was apple dumplings. This is a dessert I've wanted to bake for a few months now. This might just be the recipe!! I like that you can simply click on read more, and there is the recipe. Something I didn't find fitting to the blog is how it went from dessert to home-cooked pasta instead of going along with another

Who am I?

 Hello! My name is Fatima Judai. I am 22 years old. I was born and raised here in Arizona. My family originally came from Iraq and moved here to Arizona. I have 6 siblings, 3 older brothers, and 3 younger sisters; surprisingly, we all get along well. One of my favorite activities I love doing is taking my dad's boat and driving to lake pleasant with the family, just to hang out, eat and watch the sunset. I am currently studying to become an ultrasound tech at Glendale community college and then soon transferring to Gateway community college. I'd been interested in how ultrasound worked and babies, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. On the side, I've been studying real estate as well. At 18, I passed my school test, and hopefully, by the end of the year, I will be licensed. As of right now, I am working with my aunt. She takes me out to show houses and helps me learn everything I need to know so I will be all set when I get my License.